Kosta Boda Brains Mindset
Kosta Boda Brains Mindset
$3,000.00 Add to Cart
Item# 7520194
Size: H: 3.5" W: 4.3" L: 5.3"

Taking into account Bertil Valliens many unique heads, this is probably the one with the strongest human resemblance. It rests its cheek peacefully on a hand-sewn leather cushion. Perhaps its fate has just been in someone elses hands? The near-glowing glass on the soft leather captures a gentle quality that reinforces the meditative and human presence of the sculpture.

Mindset is crafted at the Kosta Glassworks in Sweden and is available in a limited edition of 100 pieces.

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View Kosta Boda Design Video, Makeup

Gloriously girly in reds and pinks, these small sculptures make lovely decorative objects to add a splash of color to any display space or to grace a dressing table. Featuring Kosta Boda renowned designed Asa Jungnelius.(27 sec.)

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