Lalique Empreinte Animale Toucan Figure Green, Platinum Accent, Limited Edition
Lalique Empreinte Animale Toucan Figure Green, Platinum Accent, Limited Edition
$8,200.00 Add to Cart
Item# 10759100
Size: H 10.39" L 11.65" W 4.92"

A newcomer to the Lalique bestiary: the Toucan. Curious and majestic, this exotic bird wears its dazzling green plumage with panache. The toucans beak is even more imposing in the platinum stamped version for a very contemporary expression.
Setting the stage for a bestiary theater, the collection of decorative items "Empreinte Animale" invites us to dive into a dreamlike jungle where feathers, fur and scales are tamed. With a realism that is truer than life, the know-how of the masters of fire offer a perfect replica of the animal materials, thereby saluting the art of crystal haute couture, unique to Lalique.

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