Orrefors Crystal Raspberry 8 1/4" Vase
Orrefors Crystal Raspberry 8 1/4" Vase
$150.00 Add to Cart
Item# 6101501
Size: H: 7.87" W: 6.1"

Raspberry is a beloved Orrefors classic. The large vase in clear crystal has a design resembling a raspberry with its round rupeletsgiving it a soft look. The vase is perfect for long stem flowers or simply as a decorative object on its own. Designed by Anne Nilsson.

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View Orrefors Street by Jan Johansson Video

The hand-cut grid pattern of Street suggests Manhattan's famous street network, while the symmetrical decor lends an outspokenly masculine air to the series as a whole. Short video featuring Orrefors' preeminent barware collection.(16 sec)


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