Cashs Crystal
Cashs Ireland Grand Cru Pinot Noir Wine Glasses, Pair
Cashs Ireland Grand Cru Pinot Noir Wine Glasses, Pair
Pair   $55.00 Add to Cart
Item# 25927C
Size: H: 9" Cap: 18 oz.

Cashmere like lightness is combined with handmade quality to create firm and durable product with incredible sparkle. Lead free and dishwasher safe. The quintessential pinnacle of fine crystal, the new Cashs Ireland Grand Cru Vino suite is one of the finest handmade crystal collections in the world.

Glass as subtle as the gentle grape of Pinot Noir. The thin and elegant stem of Cashs Ireland, Grand Cru Vino Pinot Noir crystal glasses and slightly fluted bowl for tasting of this sophisticated Wine, are some of the most demanding elements in hand production, requiring years of experience by Cashs Ireland, Master Artisans in handling and shaping hot crystal into beautiful objects.

Each piece in this collection has a top rim that is hand cut and polished to perfection, allowing the liquid to touch the tongue without any air bubbles, thus enhancing the experience and maximizing the flavors.

Recommended for: Barbaresco, Barolo, Beaujolais Grand Cru, Blauburgunder, Burgundy (red), Gamay, Nebbiolo, Pinot Noir.

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Cashs Video - Success Is Measured at the End of the Day

Amazing new video by Cashs Ireland featuring intertwined modern world with that of the crystal craftsmen of Ireland creating timeless Cooper crystal barware. Success comes together at the end of the day, when the modern world comes to stop and to enjoy the product of centuries old craft, Cashs Crystal, timeless for it's beauty and elegance. (79 sec.)

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